I am here again after a very long break. I went through so many experiences during this break: I met somebody who was possessed and saw the demon through her eyes. I saw angelic presences multiple times guiding and protecting people. I experienced my daughter being miraculously healed by divine feminine energy and I met people who behaved like angels and demons. All these experiences are for another time. Today we are going to discuss the complexity of the human mind and how we confuse an actual possession with a psychological disorder.
Hiding true emotion is a more complicated task than we think it is and it comes naturally to the majority of us, humans. We can show love when the real feeling is lust. We can show anger when we are hurt. We can show care, even when we are jealous. This occurs either by intended manipulation or by suppression of true feelings. But for a few, it reaches a stage where they are not able to express their true emotions anymore, due to the continuous usage of pseudo feelings, which leads to depression or eccentricity in many cases.
Psychologists and psychotherapists have so many clinical definitions and terms used to refer to situations that may occur as the output of these pseudo feelings and suppressions. Psychosomatic disorder is the most debated psychological condition involving the occurrence of physical symptoms, usually lacking medical explanations. A lot of times when a person is said to be possessed, it may be an extreme condition of psychosomatic disorder mixed with other psychological conditions. But then how to know whether the person is actually possessed or not is the difficult part.
I have interacted with many who claimed to be exorcists and who really were. One thing I have understood and seen for real is that a lot of the scenes we have in our minds regarding possession, (which we are familiar with from horror movies) can also be mocked by a person who has psychological disorders. The screaming, the scratchings on bodies, extra strength, blasphemy, speaking gibberish: everything can be manipulated to show false possession. But one thing which always proves a possession undoubtedly is in the movement of the eyes and the reflection you can see in the eyes. You just need to have the courage to continuously gaze into the eyes of the possessed and you will see the signs 🙂
The supernatural -demons and the angels are all around us, even if you don’t want to believe it. I have come across the case of a person who painted his mirror full black and the next day was found dead with his head crashed into the mirror and another case where a person was using a pendulum dowsing and the pendulum swung unnaturally hitting the person strongly between his eyes killing him instantly. These are the actions of the unknown forces, known to only a few who have evolved. The majority of us are not aware of how and why these cases have happened, but that doesn’t mean that there are no such forces 🙂

Salma and Basil met each other for the first time during a training program. Basil was part of the training team and Salma was part of the team coordinating the event. The program spread over ten days and both of them interacted a lot during the period. They felt comfortable in each other’s presence and became friends very fast.
Salma was a YouTube celebrity with a lot of followers for the interesting videos she uploaded. She used to share a lot of motivational and self-help videos, which viewers found extremely helpful. Basil, on the other hand, was an extrovert who liked to be in the limelight surrounded by people, and being the center of attraction all the time. Both of them had this feeling of suffocation when they were not surrounded by people. Another common factor was that both of them were not very religious and never preferred to visit any religious places.
Within three months of meeting for the first time. Salma and Basil became very close and they were hanging with each other all the time and Basil started appearing in her YouTube videos along with her. One weekend they planned to record a video in a house on an isolated private island. The house was surrounded by a lake and there was no other inhabitant on the island other than anyone who would stay in that house. Salma wanted to boost up the interest of viewers by posting the video of their stay in that house since it was considered to be haunted and hence, they planned the trip.
A boat dropped them on the island the next weekend evening and left. The house was well maintained and had a path laid out properly to reach there. They were pleasantly surprised to see how beautiful the house was once they entered it. They recorded a lot of videos in and around the house. Salma and Basil were very excited and happy with their adrenaline level very high, thinking about spending the night in a haunted house. The adrenalin sparked emotions which never happened before and they started getting physically intimate.
Basil was well built and was proud of his physical stature, whereas Salma was what you will refer to as a “slim beauty”. But during the physical intercourse, Basil was shocked to see the brute power Salma possessed. It was like he was helpless under her power and she was making all types of growling sounds, which he never heard before. It was scary and pleasurable at the same time for him. When everything got over, Basil was left confused about what exactly happened, while Salma was really happy. She made a coffee and they were sitting closely against each other. She was looking into his eyes, and it is then that Basil saw the reflections in her eyes. It was like she had two pupils in between. One was normal and the other one was very scary to even look at. Whenever that pupil came, Basil felt a shiver going through his spines looking at it.
Basil couldn’t get this out of his mind even after a week of their stay in that house. He was scared and excited at the same time because his mind was always fantasizing about the wild sex they had. Then, by some wish of the universe, he accidentally met an old friend, who was a psychic. His friend immediately told him that there is a negative energy presence all around him and asked him to speak out. Basil discussed everything and his psychic friend strongly told him to cut the relationship with Salma and told specifically never to have any physical intimacy with her. The psychic felt she was possessed.
That day on his return home, Salma told him to pick her up because there was heavy rain and the city was getting flooded. Basil couldn’t say NO and picked her up from her recording studio. There was heavy traffic due to the rain and traffic was very slow moving. Salma asked him something and Basil looked at her face while replying and he again saw the twin pupil. He got really scared, but was unable to respond and was driving mechanically. Moving forward they got onto the highway, where the traffic was less. Salma started moving her wet hands over his thighs and out of sheer fear, Basil became frozen with fear and crashed his car into a truck that was parked on the side of the road.
The next thing Basil remembered was lying in hospital with multiple fractures and spine issues. His brother who was beside him told that he was in a coma for two months before he became conscious. Basil asked what happened to Salma and to his surprise, his brother replied that there was no one else found inside the car when the police rescued him. He asked his brother to check Salma’s YouTube channel and Salma was there as always posting videos every day, even on the day the accident happened!!
Few questions to think about:
Do you think Salma was possessed or did Basil imagine all these things in his mind?
Do you feel wearing any religious symbols will protect you from possession or from anyone who is possessed?
Why do you think Basil felt fear and ecstasy at the same time after the sex with Salma?
How will you have reacted differently if you were in Basil’s place?