The concept that we have a Soul, Mind and Body and the same soul travels through various lives carrying the lessons and memories carried from each life has been disputed for a long time. One of the oldest religions in the world Hinduism supports this and even the research work of Dr Brian Weiss as shared in many of his books gives evidence for it. These memories will include things/situations which were already experienced and things/situations which were desired. ‘Karma “is actually the memories of the ones that you experienced in real and others are just desires. So, will your Karma make you experience demons and does these desires have any role??
Psychologists will give us a huge number of reasons which includes sleep paralysis, extreme depression & loneliness and try to establish their theory that demons or ghost experiences are just the play of mind. But there are many documented cases which contradicts it. I am not here to argue or establish any beliefs. I believe in experiences & what intuitions tell me and I strongly urge everybody to do the same 😊
There are a lot of entities around us which are in the form of energies. These energies can take any form. They are there from the beginning and they will be there till the end. We may or may not get the chance to experience them. These energies may be Higher/Lower, Positive/Negative, Strong/weak, Divine/Demonic…. the list continues. There is energy inside us too. Lower energy tends to attract lower energy. When we are in high energy, we tend to attract high energy. So let us see now why some of us may experience a lower/negative/demonic energy.
It can be due to one of the reasons below or a mix of it:
- You are in a lower energy and in a vulnerable state to attract lower energy and a lower energy finds you as a suitable vessel to interact
- You have desires from your past life to interact with demons
- You have karmas as a result of which you are bound to interact with negative energy
- You do rituals to initiate such interactions
- For reasons unknown
Except for reasons unknown, there are steps which can be done to lessen the effects/changes or remove it completely which has to be done with total belief 😊

Let us know return to Lily. Read Demon Talk #1 and Demon Talk # 2 for continuity.
Even though I was curious to know about the change of face, I was equally scared to meet her. But we met again in a few days when she called and came to my apartment the next weekend. She looked beautiful as usual and was in a very happy mood, cracking jokes and dancing around. She wanted to cook the dinner and once it was done, we sat down for dinner. We had casual conversations and then she suddenly became silent. After a few moments she started the talk for which I was waiting & about which I was very scared too.
Lily: You are a good person with a good soul. I wish there was a person like you around me when I had to end my life.
Me (shivering): Who are you?
Lily: My name is Hiksha.I was a medical student and a very studious one. I was so engaged in my studies that I forgot everything else. Only leisure I used to take was the evening stroll I used to have during Saturday evenings in the nearby public park.
(Her face was changed now. I realized I was talking to Hiksha and not Lily)
Hiksha: That Saturday evening also I went for my walk with nature. I had just finished my exams brilliantly just the previous day. So, I was very happy and had headphones plugged in with my favourite music. Time passed fast and suddenly it started raining heavily with thunders and lightning. I was not carrying an umbrella, so I ran and took shelter in the stand-alone resting place. There were few people along with me. The rain was getting stronger and stronger. One by one, people left when they had a chance and I was left alone. The area was almost deserted and it was time for my hostel to close. So I decided to walk in the rain. It was heavy rain and I was fully wet and almost blind with the heavy droplets. Suddenly I felt hands over my mouth and my body. Somebody was trying to hold me tight and drag me towards the tree. I struggled and vaguely saw there was more than one person. I tried to scream, but couldn’t. Somehow, I kicked in the groins of the one holding me and started running frantically. I didn’t know where I was running, I just knew they were behind me. I kept on running and climbing. Then there was nowhere to go. I was at the top of the artificial cliff and saw four guys closing in on me. Without thinking anything, I jumped off the cliff and hit the ground hard.
(She was uncontrollably sobbing now)
Hiksha: I was lying on the ground covered in blood the whole night. Only by morning, the sweepers found me and then informed the hospital and police. I was declared brain dead at the hospital and saw my parents crying. I was the only child!! I just felt cold and then I officially died after two weeks.
(Hiksha was silent for some time after that)
All of a sudden, her face changed and it was as seen once: flesh dripping with blood and she was screaming “What did I do to anyone to experience this. I never enjoyed anything in life and I am not going to leave like this. I want to love and I want to be loved “
I was frozen with fear and then she relaxed. It was Hiksha’s face again. She told me how she saw Lily once and how her energy attracted her and she easily entered. Hiksha was enjoying things which she hadn’t experienced when we lived. She saw me and then by some karma connection got connected and here she is looking forward to love me and be loved by me ☹
And then it was Lily again, cuddling me and she just slept like that. I was scared first, then confused and then relaxed. Somehow, I felt only empathy for Hiksha. Maybe my empathetic energies attracted the energy of Hiksha’s soul.
Hiksha’s energy interacted with me for a few years and then it faded off. Details of how it happened is too personal to be shared.
I will be sharing the experiences of many others in the coming blogs.
Till then:
Did my empathetic energy invite Hiksha’s energy or in other words am I responsible for the experience I had??
How did Lily become a vessel easily for Hiksha’s energy to enter??
Is Hiksha’s energy a lower one or higher one??
Was it easy for Lily to handle 2 energies inside her: one of hers and the other of Hishka inside her ??