Angels, as we know, are there to guide, support and protect us. When a person helps another one in their distress, you feel good about that person and may also feel it is the angel inside them who is doing it. We will create an angelic impression about that person in our mind and that will normally be a very beautiful picture.
Most of the artists who have created images of angels have portrayed angels to be the beautiful ones -mostly female gender, with or without wings and who is dressed in either white long dress or very attractive colourful ones. But angels are not made of matter. They contain the space they operate and travel from A-Z without going through B-C-D and … 😊. So, all the beautiful/handsome persons around us need not have angels inside them nor will the angels be always beautiful.
It will be beneficial to know now, how you can identify when there is an angelic presence. All of us have sensory feelings, but how well you can use a particular sense is unique. Clair is the term which uses to describe the various physical and intuitive senses. Whichever is your stronger one, will help you feel the angles 😊
Clairvoyance: You will be able to visualize and see things from the past and present very easily. When it’s the strongest you will start seeing your future as glimpses and even see angels (in whichever form they chose to come in front of you)
Clairaudience: You can clearly hear sound, words or music inside your mind. When this Clair is the strongest you may hear whispers from your angels and even hear flapping indicating their presence.
Clairsentience: You will easily understand and feel the emotions or even physical pain of others. If the strongest, this will make you become natural healers and give the ability to feel the physical presence of angels in the form of temperature difference or even pressure on the body.
Clairalience: This Clair will give you the ability to smell odours that may not even have a physical source. You may even be able to smell things from your past. Angelic presence will be also felt by means of odour.
Clairgustance: When you have the ability to taste things, which may not be physically there. Presence will be also felt in the form of a taste.
There are other type of Clairs too. Irrespective of which Clair is the strongest, it will help you to be aware of the presence of angels around you. Now close your eyes and try to find out, which is your strongest Clair. I am sure your guardian angels will help to find it out 😊

Let me tell the experience of Mathew and his friends. When this experience happened, Mathew was in his mid-20s and working with an educational institute in a hill a station in Kerala. The campus was very beautiful and spread over more than 25 acres of land. The staff were provided accommodation inside the campus and it was located almost at the end of the property and was far away from all other buildings.
During weekends the majority of the staffs used to go to their homes and it was then Mathew and few of the remaining colleagues used to have their fun time. There will be booze, cooking, dance and playing cards throughout night. It was a night, all of them used to look forward.
Mathew was always intrigued with occultism and had read a lot about it out of curiosity. So, this was always a topic of discussion during the booze time. One such night, one of his colleagues started talking about the Ouija board and everybody got very interested. With each drink, the discussions got more intense and curiosity aroused and all of a sudden everybody wanted to try and experience it. As Mathew was the one who had read most about it, everybody asked Mathew about it and Mathew said “Why not ..Let us make one and use it now itself “
Mathew had never used an Ouija board in reality before that. But his ego didn’t allow him to say that then. After referring images from google, they made an Ouija board out of chart paper. Coin to be used was ready and they were all set to go.
They were eight in total including Mathew. Time was past midnight then and heavy wind was blowing outside. So they closed all the windows and circled around the Ouija board kept on the table. A candle was also lit and the coin kept over the board. Mathew tried to remember everything he had read about using the board. He could feel the wind blowing into his ear, but couldn’t find from where the wind was entering the room since all the windows were already closed.
Lights were switched off then, so it was just 8 of them circled around the board with the candle lit in the middle. It was total silence for the next few minutes. Mathew was feeling uncomfortable in both his ears. It was like something was flapping near his ears. Mathew somehow told then “Let us all hold our hands and close our eyes for a minute before we start calling the spirits”. The moment Mathew closed his eyes, the sound near his ears become more and more soft, but clear. It was like somebody was whispering to him. He tried to listen to it carefully and then he heard clearly “Draw a circle of protection using salt and sit only inside that “.
Mathew did not want to tell anyone about this since he felt everyone will make fun of him saying that he is scared. All hands held together, Mathew started saying “Oh Good Spirit, we call upon you and invite you to come and communicate with us “and his colleagues repeated after him. They repeated it a few times and then all of a sudden, the candle was blown off. Everybody got really scared and started screaming. There was a heavy wind blowing into the room which carried a very foul smell, like that of rotten flesh. Nobody had any idea what was happening, there was only screams and somehow Mathew managed to reach to switch on the lights. What he saw inside the room then made him froze with fear for the next few minutes.
There were marks made all over the room, some of them in black dirt colour and some of them in blood red. There were marks even in the roof. Few of his colleagues had their shirts torn off and few of them had blood dripping from the scratches and wounds over their bodies. All of them were clueless and shivering with fear. The foul stench intensity had reduced, but it was still there. What happened inside the darkroom, how all those marks came, how the wounds: no one had any answers to these questions. And the most important question which was left unanswered was: what was that foul smell and how did it go away?
More intense experiences with Ouija board to follow 😊 . But till then think about the following:
Why was Mathew hearing a flapping sound? Is it due to an angelic presence??
Message which Mathew heard, was it from his angels or his subconscious mind giving a message from all the things he had read about Ouija board earlier??
What made those marks. Is it made by the persons inside the room itself in the confusion or something else??
How did this end like this??