Demon Talk # 6 : Unveiling Taboos: Exploring the Depths of Necrophilia

This time, I delve into the dark corners of human experience, exploring incidents that are both deeply disturbing and undeniably real. Years ago, I witnessed something so terrifying that it left an irreversible mark on my soul and psyche. The subject is necrophilia—a taboo so profound that even discussing it can be unsettling. If you find such topics distressing, I urge you to stop here. But if you choose to continue, prepare to confront one of humanity’s most dark and evil obsessions, a grim intersection of psychological torment and supernatural malevolence.

Necrophilia, the morbid fascination and sexual attraction to corpses, is often rooted in profound psychological disturbances. Individuals afflicted with this condition may have experienced severe childhood trauma, attachment disorders, or a deep-seated fear of rejection, which manifests in the desire for a partner who cannot reciprocate or judge. This perverse fixation may serve as a twisted means of exerting control and dominance over the deceased, fulfilling unmet emotional needs in a way that living relationships cannot.

On the other hand, from a supernatural perspective, necrophilia can be perceived as an act of demonic possession. It is believed that such malevolent entities prey on the vulnerabilities of their victims, driving them to commit acts of desecration and blasphemy. This possession aggravates the individual’s innate desires, leading to an escalation in their revolting behaviours. The demonic influence not only corrupts the person’s soul but also binds them to a cycle of darkness and savagery, making the line between psychological illness and supernatural manipulation disturbingly thin.

Whispers of Darkness: A Descent into Madness and Evil

My destination was an old mansion that stood on the outskirts, a relic from a bygone era. It was a place of many stories, whispered among the townsfolk, tales of madness and darkness that had kept it abandoned for years. Tonight, however, the mansion seemed almost alive, the windows glowing faintly as if welcoming me into its embrace.

The door creaked open with a push, and I stepped inside, greeted by the musty scent of decay. The air was thick with the weight of memories, and I could almost hear the voices of those who once lived here. As I wandered through the halls, I came across a room that felt colder than the rest. An inexplicable chill ran down my spine as I entered, my breath visible in the sudden drop in temperature.

The room was furnished sparsely: a bed with ragged sheets, a dresser with a cracked mirror, and a desk cluttered with old papers. One paper caught my eye, yellowed with age and filled with shabby handwriting. I picked it up, and as I read, the story began to unfold.

In the early 1900s, the mansion belonged to the V family, a family respected and feared in equal measure. Govind, the patriarch, was a man of science, though his interests often delved into the gruesome category. His wife, Radha, was known for her beauty and her hauntingly sad eyes, but it was their son, Arjun, who was the subject of the town’s darkest gossip.

Arjun was a troubled child, his behaviour growing more erratic and disturbing with each passing year. By the time he reached adulthood, the whispers of his fascination with the dead had become a roar. It was said that he would spend hours in the family crypt, speaking to the remains of his ancestors, and performing rituals that left the villagers uneasy.

The townspeople often saw Arjun wandering the graveyard at odd hours, muttering to himself or staring intently at the freshly dug graves. He was known to frequent the local mortuary, offering his services to the undertaker under the guise of learning the trade. The undertaker, an elderly man with failing eyesight, appreciated the help and rarely questioned Arjun’s peculiar habits

It wasn’t just his presence that unsettled people—it was what he did. Arjun had a peculiar affinity for the dead, one that went beyond mere fascination. He was often seen caressing the cold skin of corpses, whispering sweet nothings into the ears of those who could no longer hear. His actions were a grotesque parody of love and tenderness, a chilling reflection of his disturbed mind.

One particularly stormy night, Arjun’s behaviour took a turn for the worse. The house staff reported seeing him carry a young woman into the mansion, her lifeless body a testament to his madness. The woman, a local girl named Meera, had been missing for days, and her reappearance in such a manner confirmed the worst fears of the townspeople.

Meera’s body was found in a state that defied all norms of decency and humanity. Arjun had not merely stolen her life; he had desecrated her in ways that left seasoned law enforcement officials speechless. Her corpse had been arranged in a monstrous imitation of domesticity, dressed in fine clothes and seated at the dining table as if she were still among the living. The acts he had committed were unspeakable, a horrifying blend of necrophilia and ritualistic reverence.

Radha, desperate to save her son from the darkness consuming him, sought the help of a priest known for his work with the supernatural. Father Joseph was a stern man with piercing blue eyes that seemed to see into the very soul. He arrived at the mansion armed with holy water, a crucifix, and a resolve to rid the Varma family of the evil that had taken root.

The exorcism began at midnight, the storm raging outside mirroring the turmoil within. Arjun was bound to his bed, thrashing and screaming as Father Joseph chanted prayers, his voice unwavering despite the chaos. The room grew colder, the air heavy with a malevolent presence. Shadows danced on the walls, forming grotesque shapes that seemed almost alive.

Arjun’s screams turned savage, a deep, inhuman growl that sent shivers down the spines of those present. His eyes, once a deep brown, now glowed a fiery red, and his strength was inhuman. Father Joseph continued his prayers, the crucifix held high, determined to banish the demon that had taken hold.

As the exorcism reached its climax, Arjun’s body convulsed violently, a dark mist escaping his mouth with a blood-curdling scream. The room fell silent, the oppressive atmosphere lifting as the demon was driven out. Arjun lay still, his body broken but his soul freed from the evil that had possessed him.

I lowered the paper, my mind reeling from the tale I’d just read. The V mansion, a place of such beauty and promise, had been tainted by darkness and despair. I felt a strange compulsion to explore further, to uncover more of the secrets hidden within these walls.

As I ascended the grand staircase, I heard a faint whispering, as if the house itself was trying to speak to me. Following the sound, I found myself in the attic, a space cluttered with forgotten belongings. In the corner, half-hidden under a dusty sheet,, was a large, ornate mirror. I approached it, feeling a pull that I couldn’t explain.

My reflection stared back at me, but there was something wrong. The eyes looking out from the mirror weren’t my own; they were cold, calculating, filled with a malevolence that chilled me to the bone. Before I could react, the room seemed to shift around me, and I was no longer in the attic.

I was standing in the crypt. The air was thick with the scent of earth and decay, the only light coming from flickering candles that cast long shadows on the walls. I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see Arjun, his eyes glowing red, a cruel smile playing on his lips.

“You shouldn’t have come here,” he said, his voice a low growl. “This place is mine, and you will join me in my eternal torment.”

Panic gripped me as I realized there was no escape. Arjun advanced, his form shifting, becoming more monstrous with each step. Just as he reached out to me, the scene dissolved, and I found myself back in the attic, the mirror shattered at my feet.

I fled the mansion, the rain washing away the terror that clung to my skin. As I reached the safety of my home, I couldn’t shake the feeling that the V mansion had marked me, that its dark legacy would haunt me forever.

Years passed, but the memories of that night never faded. I tried to move on, but strange things kept happening around me. Objects moved on their own, whispers filled the silence, and shadows seemed to follow me. The darkness of the Varma mansion had taken root in my life, a constant reminder of the horrors I witnessed.

I began to research, desperate to find a way to rid myself of this curse. I learned of others who had experienced similar hauntings, their lives torn apart by forces beyond their control. I came across stories of necrophilia, demonic possessions, and the psychological and physical impacts of such encounters.

I reached out to these people, forming a support group of sorts, sharing our experiences,, and seeking solace in the knowledge that we weren’t alone. Together, we delved into the darkest corners of the human psyche, uncovering truths that were as terrifying as they were fascinating.

One night, during a particularly intense session, I met a woman named Anjali. Her story mirrored mine; her life was forever changed by a brush with the supernatural. I felt a connection with her, a bond forged in the fires of shared trauma.

Anjali told me of a ritual—an ancient rite that might free me from the darkness. It’s dangerous, she warned, but it’s our only hope. Desperation drove me to agree, and together we gathered the necessary items: candles, a dagger, and a book bound in human skin.

The ritual took place in the dead of night, the moon hidden behind thick clouds. We stood in the center of a circle, with Anjali chanting words in a language I didn’t understand. The air grew heavy, the shadows deepened as the ritual progressed.

Suddenly, a chill ran through me, and I felt a presence, dark and powerful. I saw Arjun, his form shifting between human and demon, his eyes glowing with malevolence. He reached for me, but this time, I was ready.

With a cry, I plunged the dagger into my own hand, the pain grounding me, and giving me strength. I repeated the words Anjali taught me, feeling the power of the ritual flow through me. The air crackled with energy, and with a final shout, I banished Arjun, the darkness lifting as he was torn from my soul.

I collapsed, exhausted but free. The shadows receded, the whispers faded, and for the first time in years, I felt at peace. I looked at Anjali, gratitude and relief flooding my heart.

The ordeal had left its mark on me, but I’d survived. I’d faced the darkness and emerged victorious, stronger !

Questions to Ponder

  1. What do you think were the initial signs of Arjun’s descent into madness? Could anything have been done to prevent his spiral into necrophilia and demonic possession?
  2. Do you believe Father Joseph’s exorcism was purely a religious ritual, or did it also have psychological implications for Arjun and his family? What does this suggest about the power of belief in combating evil?
  3. After leaving the mansion, I continued to experience strange occurrences. What does this suggest about the long-term impact of supernatural encounters? Can such experiences ever truly be left behind?
  4. During the final ritual, why was it necessary to inflict pain upon themselves? What does this act symbolize in the context of overcoming evil?

Angel Talk #4: Do our guardian angels have expectations of us?

After a long break of more than a year, the urge to write has finally taken hold of me again. I have been asked countless times about whether our guardian angels have expectations from us or if they are simply benevolent beings who let us exercise our free will without interference. The query is not trivial; it speaks to the heart of how we understand relationships and support. Expectations, as we all know, can often be the root cause of misunderstandings and failures in relationships. So, could it be that our guardian angels might have expectations from us? And if we repeatedly fail, do they eventually ignore us or leave us to our own devices? Or, are they completely indifferent to our choices, supporting us regardless of our actions?

Let me start with a recent incident involving a close friend of mine. She had just bought a scooter and was excited about her new purchase. However, a few days later, she faced trouble starting the vehicle. Now, my friend is deeply connected to Archangel Michael. Whenever she faced any issues with machines or gadgets, she would call upon Michael for help, and miraculously, a solution would often present itself. But not this time. Despite her multiple pleas to Michael and numerous attempts to kickstart the scooter, it simply refused to start.

Frustration and doubt began to set in. She started questioning why Michael wasn’t helping her this time. She entertained all sorts of thoughts, from believing she had somehow fallen out of favour to doubting her own connection with the angel. Then, a friend of hers arrived. This friend knew very little about scooters but decided to take a look anyway. She removed the stand and pressed the self-start button and the scooter roared to life! The problem was simple: the sensor in the scooter stand prevents the vehicle from starting if the stand is down, a safety feature my friend was aware of but had somehow overlooked 😊

The Larger Question

This incident raises intriguing questions about the nature of our guardian angels’ support. Did Michael expect my friend to remember the safety feature? Or was he unconcerned about her forgetfulness and instead orchestrated the arrival of the other friend to help her out? Or perhaps, this was all just a play of the mind?

To explore this further, let’s delve into some personal anecdotes and stories that might shed light on whether our guardian angels have expectations or if they simply support us unconditionally.

Anecdote #1: The Lost Traveler

Several years ago, I found myself lost in a dense forest while hiking. I had ventured off the beaten path, confident in my sense of direction. But as hours passed, I realized I was hopelessly lost. Panic began to set in. I called upon my guardian angel, whom I had always felt a deep connection with, for guidance. I sat down, closed my eyes, and silently prayed for help.

After a few minutes, I heard the sound of rustling leaves. I opened my eyes to see a deer standing a few feet away, calmly looking at me. Something about its presence felt reassuring. The deer turned and began to walk away, stopping occasionally to look back at me as if beckoning me to follow. With nothing to lose, I decided to follow it. The deer led me through the forest to a small clearing, where I could see a familiar landmark in the distance. Relieved, I found my way back to the trail and safely returned home.

Reflecting on this incident, I wondered if my guardian angel had orchestrated the appearance of the deer. Did the angel expect me to follow the animal, or was it just a lucky coincidence? It felt like a gentle nudge in the right direction rather than a stern expectation.

Anecdote #2: The Job Interview

A few years ago, I was preparing for a crucial job interview. It was a position I desperately wanted, and I had been preparing for weeks. The night before the interview, I was a bundle of nerves. I called upon my guardian angel for support and guidance, hoping for some divine intervention to calm my anxious mind.

That night, I had a vivid dream. In the dream, I saw myself sitting in the interview room, confidently answering questions. My guardian angel appeared beside me, whispering words of encouragement and assurance. When I woke up, I felt an inexplicable sense of calm and confidence. The interview went smoothly, and I got the job.

Did my guardian angel expect me to prepare well for the interview, or was the dream simply a way to bolster my confidence? It seemed like the angel was providing support and reassurance rather than setting expectations.

Anecdote #3: The Near-Accident

One evening, I was driving home from work, exhausted and distracted. As I approached an intersection, I absentmindedly ran a red light. Suddenly, I felt a strong urge to slam on the brakes. I did so instinctively, just in time to avoid a speeding car that zoomed through the intersection from the opposite direction. My heart was pounding as I realized how close I had come to a serious accident.

Later, I couldn’t help but feel that my guardian angel had intervened. Did the angel expect me to be more attentive and cautious while driving? Or was the sudden urge to brake a way of protecting me despite my lapse in attention?

Guardian Angels and Expectations

These anecdotes suggest that guardian angels may not have rigid expectations of us. Instead, they seem to offer support and guidance tailored to our needs and circumstances. They gently nudge us in the right direction, provide reassurance, and sometimes intervene to protect us from harm. This approach aligns with the concept of free will, allowing us to make our own choices and learn from our experiences.

However, it’s also possible that guardian angels hope for us to grow and evolve spiritually. They may encourage us to develop qualities like mindfulness, compassion, and wisdom. While they don’t enforce expectations, they may guide us towards becoming better versions of ourselves.

The Role of Free Will

One of the most profound aspects of our relationship with guardian angels is the respect for our free will. We are free to make our own choices, even if they lead to mistakes or challenges. Guardian angels do not judge or abandon us based on our actions. Instead, they remain a steady presence, offering support and guidance without infringing on our autonomy.

This respect for free will is crucial in understanding why guardian angels may not have fixed expectations. They understand that our journey is unique and personal. Each mistake, failure, or success is a part of our growth. By allowing us to navigate our own paths, they help us build resilience, wisdom, and strength.

A Play of Mind?

Returning to the incident with my friend’s scooter, it’s fascinating to consider whether the entire scenario was a play of the mind. Was it Archangel Michael who orchestrated the arrival of the friend who helped start the scooter? Or was it a simple coincidence? Perhaps Michael’s role was more about providing a subtle reminder that help can come from unexpected places.

In moments of doubt and frustration, it’s easy to question the presence and support of guardian angels. Yet, these experiences often teach us valuable lessons about patience, trust, and the importance of being open to help from others.

In conclusion, the question of whether guardian angels have expectations from us is complex. Based on personal experiences and reflections, it seems that guardian angels do not have rigid expectations. Instead, they offer support, guidance, and protection while respecting our free will. They gently encourage us to grow and evolve, but they do not judge or abandon us based on our actions.

The incident with my friend’s scooter, along with the other anecdotes, highlights the subtle and often mysterious ways in which guardian angels operate. They are always present, providing the support we need, even if it comes from unexpected sources. Whether it’s a deer leading a lost traveller, a dream offering reassurance, or an instinctual urge to avoid danger, their guidance is always there.

Ultimately, our relationship with guardian angels is one of unconditional support and love. They are there to help us navigate the complexities of life, offering a steady presence that reassures us we are never truly alone. As we continue to journey through life, we can take comfort in knowing that our guardian angels are always by our side, ready to offer their support whenever we need it.

Questions to Ponder

  1. Have you ever experienced a moment where you felt an inexplicable sense of guidance or intervention? What do you believe was the source of that support?
  2. Do you think our guardian angels expect us to learn from our mistakes, or are they simply there to offer unconditional support? Why?
  3. How do you perceive the concept of free will in relation to divine guidance? Do you believe we have complete autonomy, or is there a balance between guidance and choice?
  4. Can you recall an incident where help arrived from an unexpected source? How did it change your perspective on receiving assistance?
  5. In what ways do you think we can cultivate a stronger connection with our guardian angels or spiritual guides?
  6. Do you believe that guardian angels can communicate with us through dreams or signs? Have you had any such experiences?
  7. How do you interpret the role of guardian angels in times of crisis versus everyday life? Do you think their presence is more noticeable during challenging times?

Demon Talk #5 Possessed or an act of possession – How will you know if someone you know is possessed?

I am here again after a very long break. I went through so many experiences during this break:  I met somebody who was possessed and saw the demon through her eyes. I saw angelic presences multiple times guiding and protecting people. I experienced my daughter being miraculously healed by divine feminine energy and I met people who behaved like angels and demons. All these experiences are for another time. Today we are going to discuss the complexity of the human mind and how we confuse an actual possession with a psychological disorder.

Hiding true emotion is a more complicated task than we think it is and it comes naturally to the majority of us, humans. We can show love when the real feeling is lust. We can show anger when we are hurt. We can show care, even when we are jealous. This occurs either by intended manipulation or by suppression of true feelings. But for a few, it reaches a stage where they are not able to express their true emotions anymore, due to the continuous usage of pseudo feelings, which leads to depression or eccentricity in many cases.

Psychologists and psychotherapists have so many clinical definitions and terms used to refer to situations that may occur as the output of these pseudo feelings and suppressions. Psychosomatic disorder is the most debated psychological condition involving the occurrence of physical symptoms, usually lacking medical explanations. A lot of times when a person is said to be possessed, it may be an extreme condition of psychosomatic disorder mixed with other psychological conditions. But then how to know whether the person is actually possessed or not is the difficult part.

I have interacted with many who claimed to be exorcists and who really were. One thing I have understood and seen for real is that a lot of the scenes we have in our minds regarding possession, (which we are familiar with from horror movies) can also be mocked by a person who has psychological disorders. The screaming, the scratchings on bodies, extra strength, blasphemy, speaking gibberish: everything can be manipulated to show false possession. But one thing which always proves a possession undoubtedly is in the movement of the eyes and the reflection you can see in the eyes. You just need to have the courage to continuously gaze into the eyes of the possessed and you will see the signs 🙂

The supernatural -demons and the angels are all around us, even if you don’t want to believe it. I have come across the case of a person who painted his mirror full black and the next day was found dead with his head crashed into the mirror and another case where a person was using a pendulum dowsing and the pendulum swung unnaturally hitting the person strongly between his eyes killing him instantly. These are the actions of the unknown forces, known to only a few who have evolved. The majority of us are not aware of how and why these cases have happened, but that doesn’t mean that there are no such forces 🙂

Salma and Basil met each other for the first time during a training program. Basil was part of the training team and Salma was part of the team coordinating the event. The program spread over ten days and both of them interacted a lot during the period. They felt comfortable in each other’s presence and became friends very fast.

Salma was a YouTube celebrity with a lot of followers for the interesting videos she uploaded. She used to share a lot of motivational and self-help videos, which viewers found extremely helpful. Basil, on the other hand, was an extrovert who liked to be in the limelight surrounded by people, and being the center of attraction all the time. Both of them had this feeling of suffocation when they were not surrounded by people. Another common factor was that both of them were not very religious and never preferred to visit any religious places.

Within three months of meeting for the first time. Salma and Basil became very close and they were hanging with each other all the time and Basil started appearing in her YouTube videos along with her. One weekend they planned to record a video in a house on an isolated private island. The house was surrounded by a lake and there was no other inhabitant on the island other than anyone who would stay in that house. Salma wanted to boost up the interest of viewers by posting the video of their stay in that house since it was considered to be haunted and hence, they planned the trip.

A boat dropped them on the island the next weekend evening and left. The house was well maintained and had a path laid out properly to reach there. They were pleasantly surprised to see how beautiful the house was once they entered it. They recorded a lot of videos in and around the house. Salma and Basil were very excited and happy with their adrenaline level very high, thinking about spending the night in a haunted house. The adrenalin sparked emotions which never happened before and they started getting physically intimate.

Basil was well built and was proud of his physical stature, whereas Salma was what you will refer to as a “slim beauty”. But during the physical intercourse, Basil was shocked to see the brute power Salma possessed. It was like he was helpless under her power and she was making all types of growling sounds, which he never heard before. It was scary and pleasurable at the same time for him. When everything got over, Basil was left confused about what exactly happened, while Salma was really happy. She made a coffee and they were sitting closely against each other. She was looking into his eyes, and it is then that Basil saw the reflections in her eyes. It was like she had two pupils in between. One was normal and the other one was very scary to even look at. Whenever that pupil came, Basil felt a shiver going through his spines looking at it.

Basil couldn’t get this out of his mind even after a week of their stay in that house. He was scared and excited at the same time because his mind was always fantasizing about the wild sex they had. Then, by some wish of the universe, he accidentally met an old friend, who was a psychic. His friend immediately told him that there is a negative energy presence all around him and asked him to speak out. Basil discussed everything and his psychic friend strongly told him to cut the relationship with Salma and told specifically never to have any physical intimacy with her. The psychic felt she was possessed.

That day on his return home, Salma told him to pick her up because there was heavy rain and the city was getting flooded. Basil couldn’t say NO and picked her up from her recording studio. There was heavy traffic due to the rain and traffic was very slow moving. Salma asked him something and Basil looked at her face while replying and he again saw the twin pupil. He got really scared, but was unable to respond and was driving mechanically. Moving forward they got onto the highway, where the traffic was less. Salma started moving her wet hands over his thighs and out of sheer fear, Basil became frozen with fear and crashed his car into a truck that was parked on the side of the road.

The next thing Basil remembered was lying in hospital with multiple fractures and spine issues. His brother who was beside him told that he was in a coma for two months before he became conscious. Basil asked what happened to Salma and to his surprise, his brother replied that there was no one else found inside the car when the police rescued him. He asked his brother to check Salma’s YouTube channel and Salma was there as always posting videos every day, even on the day the accident happened!!

Few questions to think about:

Do you think Salma was possessed or did Basil imagine all these things in his mind?

Do you feel wearing any religious symbols will protect you from possession or from anyone who is possessed?

Why do you think Basil felt fear and ecstasy at the same time after the sex with Salma?

How will you have reacted differently if you were in Basil’s place?

Human Talk #4 Passion, Intimacy or Commitment: what do you feel is more important to have in love?

Love is one of the most complicated and at the same time, the simplest feeling we as humans experience. Greeks had tried to differentiate love/lovers in their own way into eight different ways based on the way it is expressed and reacted upon. For example, they had discussed Eros, which is romantic or sexual love and Pragma, which is enduring love and almost opposite of Eros. No matter how they are defined, there is no dispute over the fact that wars had been fought in the name of love and at the same time people had sacrificed everything for love.

Psychologists say that there are ideally three components of love-Intimacy, Passion and Commitment. The intensity may vary and of course, there is no mandate that all of these should be present in a love relation too. As per them, each should be present and in a balanced form.

All of us may have already used familiar words like infatuation, liking and obsession, from our adulthood. All these can be understood well from checking how the combination of intimacy, passion and commitment is working in it.

Let us examine some of the familiar love relations we have heard or experienced:

Infatuation or at times “Love at first sight “: Passion will be strong and intense. But intimacy and commitment may be totally missing.

Romance: Intimacy and passion may be high, but rarely combined with a commitment

Liking: Intimacy will be there and maybe strong too. But passion and commitment may be totally missing.

Fatuous love happens due to strong physical attraction and normally will have a strong passion and a weak commitment, but there will be very little or no intimacy.

Empty love: Something which is getting very common in marital relations now. Only commitment will be present. Passion and intimacy may be completely missing.

Compassionate love: intimacy and commitment will be very strong, but passion may be missing.

Ideal love: Passion, Intimacy and commitment are equally present and balanced. Anyone who is in ideal love will take the role of best friend and lover for each other.

Also, anyone in any of these love relations can be either totally dependent on each other or interdependent or completely independent and living parallel lives.

You are very lucky and blessed if you are going through and experiencing ideal love. But many of us will not be in that state. So, what can help us in enduring the love relation we have right now. Let us check about passion first. It is not easy to be passionate suddenly if you don’t feel that physical attraction to your partner or feel to be intimate with them. But then is it easy to have an Intimacy? It may be comparatively easy, provided you are emotionally connected to him/her, and you have good trust in them. You will truly wish them to be happy and it may be comparatively easier to improve your intimacy if you really want to. And about commitment. Do you feel it is easy to improve your commitment in the relation ?? for me, from my experience, is the most complicated part of any love relation? Commitment normally comes from deep inside. No matter how desperately you try with your conscious mind, commitment will not happen, if your subconscious mind is not willing to accept it.

Passion, intimacy and commitment have their own role to play in a love relationship. It is meaningless to say that one is more important than the other. The only important thing is to be aware of what is present and its intensity and what is not present.

And there is the case of unrequited love, especially the ones which is carried from past lives. This may program your thought process and stimulate attracting people into your life. We will discuss it in detail next time.

Let me now share the story of Alexandra. She was born into a very rich family. Her parents were very busy with their schedules and had engaged many housemaids and nannies to take care of Alexandra. Nannies were really kind and they took good care of her. Growing up Alexandra used to hear a lot of stories of spirits and ghosts from her nannies. In fact, she was the one who always used to request more spirit stories every day. She loved to hear these stories and always used to say that she used to have dreams involving spirits. She never seemed to be afraid of any of these dreams.

She was a studious student and completed her education well. She was not interested in getting a job and used to spend all the time in her big mansion in dreams and most of the time in a happy mood. Her parents started to notice some differences when she told them that she is not interested in marriage, and she didn’t find anyone good enough. They initially brushed it away assuming it was a temporary feeling, but when even after few years she was strongly holding on to the same decision, her parents got worried. They started noticing her closely then. They noticed that she was happy all the time and used to spend a lot of time admiring herself in the mirror and spending time inside her closed bedroom. They wanted to understand her more and got a new maid, as a friend for her. The intention was to understand what is going on inside her mind. The new girl, Sara stayed like a shadow of Alexandra and checked everything she was doing. The only place where Alexandra didn’t allow Sara, was inside her bedroom at night. She always insisted on sleeping alone.

Sara noticed that Alexandra used to chat happily looking at the mirror and occasionally to thin air. She used to be even very shy at times as if she were speaking to her lover. Sara overheard Alexandra saying how much she feels happy to have “him” with her and how much she was waiting for the night. This made her parents concerned and no matter how much they tried Alexandra didn’t allow anyone inside her room at night. One day, as per the instruction by Alexandra’s parents, Sara informed her that she is going to meet a friend and will return only the next day. As planned, Sara hid inside Alexandra’s bedroom the whole day and waited till night. By nighttime Alexandra came in and closed the door behind her.

Hiding behind a cupboard Sara could see and hear everything which was happening. She could see Alexandra hymning a song very happily and changing herself into some very revealing clothes. She seemed to be very happy and then went to her bed to sleep. Within few minutes she slept too. Few hours passed and Sara was in double mind whether to move out of the room and some much need rest. Then suddenly, Sara started hearing sounds. First very soft and then getting stronger and louder. It was moans of pleasure from Alexandra. Sara could see Alexandra was already naked by then and her whole body was violently shaking as if someone was having a wild physical intimacy with her. She was moaning and laughing hysterically and then everything ended after some time. There was total silence and Sara could see Alexandra sleeping peacefully with happiness and content on her face. Sara was shaking with fear when she came out of the room.

Alexandra’s parents brought many psychologists and later an exorcist to bring her out of the situation. Psychologists told them she was having a rare situation called Spectro philia, wherein which one is attracted to ghosts or spirits. Due to this Alexandra was fantasizing about ghosts and was often imagining scenarios involving sexual events between her and spirits. They tried different methods but couldn’t make any difference in Alexandra. Then her parents brought  an exorcist, who after multiple interactions told them that she was deeply fantasized and controlled by Incubus, which is a demon in male form who, according to mythological and legendary traditions lies upon sleeping women to engage in sexual activity with them and Alexandra was deeply in love with it 😊 For her, Incubus was the ultimate man who was giving her all sorts of emotional support  and physical pleasure she can imagine and she was in an inseparable state of mind with him

Whether it was a delusion, Spectro philia or a spirit encounter, the exorcist using his exorcism skills or psychological approach, was successful in removing these thoughts out of Alexandra’s mind in the next few months. But what went away with it was also the absolute bliss Alexandra used to show and feel. Alexandra never showed so much happiness ever then, even though she started going outside and started working. After few years she got married willingly as per her parent’s wish. After her first night, she was found hanging dead in her bedroom, when her husband returned from work, leaving a lot of questions unanswered.

Just a few questions to think about:

The emotion or feeling Alexandra felt, was it, love, in any way??

Do you feel that the physical ecstasy, she was experiencing(imagining), was the main reason why she was obsessed with the whole thing??

Was she really experiencing it, or everything was in her head/mind??

After agreeing to the marriage, why did she commit suicide after night??

Demon talk #4 Déjà vu and Déjà rêvé: A peek into our Life purpose & Soul purpose

Almost all of us may have already experienced Déjà vu multiple times in our life. In simple language, it is the feeling of “already seen “, when you come across new events, new places or persons you are seeing for the first time. Even though you may have come across it/them for the first time, you get a strong feeling of familiarity. Science will give you many explanations for its happening which even includes the chance of having epilepsy. We will not be arguing or discussing the scientific part. From a spiritual perspective, Déjà vu is an amazing insight into the depths of your Soul purpose, Life purpose and actions & lessons from past lives.

Déjà rêvé, on the other hand, is not a very common experience. It means “already dreamed” and is a scene or memory which you have already seen in your dreams and which is happening in real in front of you. A few years ago my daughter was sitting near me on a wooden chair with no back support and sharing some happy incidents. She was almost at a hand distance from me and suddenly I saw her falling backwards with the chair. I tried catching her hands, but couldn’t and she fell down and I froze for a few seconds. And to my surprise after some time, I saw the scene is the same as earlier ad she was sitting on the chair, talking tome happily. I couldn’t process what was happening and was very confused. And then it happened for real and she fell down and everything happened exactly I had seen a few seconds ago.

Both Déjà vu and Déjà rêvé are messages from the spiritual world. It may be a message from the spiritual realms/angelic realms or astral plains to help you/guide with revelations to lessons you are carrying from past lives, warnings about future happenings and insights regarding your soul purpose & life purpose.

Now can demons or negative spirits also talk to us or reach us through Déjà vu or Déjà rêvé? They can too. In fact whatever is available for angels, they are available for Demons too. It’s our energy levels and our aura which act as a portal and attracts the type of messages and experiences we receive. But the thing we need to understand is that, even if it is an experience shared to us by a negative entity, there is a purpose and reason, why it is happening. So priority should be to try to understand what that may be.

Michelle was in her late 50s and enjoying her early retirement life. She had worked hard and smartly, amassing a good fortune which was enough to take care of all her future luxurious expenses. She was a loner and a very self-centred person and didn’t even bother to have a family of her own. She was happy the way she was and enjoyed her life in the big bungalow along with housemaids who took care of everything. She abstained from socializing even with her neighbours.

Then all of a sudden she started seeing lucid dreams. It started slowly first, one or two a week, then within weeks, it was 1 or 2 and counting, day and night. Some of them were continuations and some of them had no connections and only common thing was that she was seeing people, places and situations which she had never known before. Michelle used to take sleeping pills for sleeping, so she thought that these might be hallucinations due to the side effects of the pills and stopped using the pills. Still, dreams didn’t stop. One good thing which happened was that even after stopping the pills, she could sleep well at night.

One night she saw a very scary dream in which Michelle was standing idle in a place watching somebody beating a small girl child very badly. The child was crying profusely, still, it didn’t stop the man from beating her more. Suddenly a beastly creature jumped from the side and roared on Michelle’sface. She woke up shaking and sweating. Even though she was scared, to her surprise she had an unfamiliar heaviness feeling in her heart thinking about the girl. By late morning, she still had that heaviness feeling and Michelle decided to take a walk to the nearby park, something which she was doing for the first time since she shifted to the present bungalow. One of her housemaids also accompanied her.

Midway to the park, there was the central market where all the locals used to sell their products and buy for their needs. When she reached the market, Michelle stopped, since the place looked very familiar to her, even though she had never been to that side. Out of a sudden urge, she moved into the market and strolled around. And then she saw the girl child and Michelle couldn’t believe her eyes. The place looked exactly the same as in her dreams and also the child and the person beating her. Michelle looked around in fear expecting the beast she saw in her dream to jump at her now. But there was no beast this time 🙂

Michelle after few seconds got normalized and then she saw only the girl crying and the man beating her. Even to her surprise, Michelle Just got in between them and slapped the man with all her strength. Everyone in the market was very shocked and there was silence. Michelle was shivering in anger and was screaming at the man. He was drunk and somehow managed to run away from there. Michelle later learned that he was a hardcore drug addict who used to traumatize kids into doing all illegal activities. The child was an orphan and the man was forcing her to do the same for him.

Cutting long story short, Michelle adopted the child in the next few months and also found out the meaning and reasons for a lot of the dreams she saw in many other instances. She found a new direction in her life and happily followed it. The dreams became part of her life 🙂

Few questions to think about:

What may be the reasons she starting seeing the lucid dreams all of a sudden?

Did she experience a Déjà vu or a Déjà rêvé?

The beast Michelle saw in her dream, was it a demon or an angel?

Did these dreams help Michelle to follow her life purpose or soul purpose?

And the most important question,why Michelle was chosen to experience all these ?

Angel Talk #3 Communicating with angels:  an evil or blessed experience?

There are a lot of controversies around the existence of angels and communicating with them. Scientists and psychologists prefer to refer to it as illusions or hallucinations and religious sectors prefer to scare people by referring it to as only evil and a cardinal sin to try to communicate with angels. There is even an incident where a person who was a strong advocate and one who created tons of tools to help people communicate with angles, on a later stage turned hostile and started bad-mouthing the process. The various tools she has created and books she has written are still used successfully all over the world by many. But again, once the tool reaches the user, it is connected with the energy or vibration of the user and then has nothing to do with that of the one who created it. Let us all believe in the free will of each person and give them the freedom to either believe or despise the presence of angels 😊

There are many ways of communicating with angels. Whatever the tool or method used is, you need to have an energy or vibration which will keep you in an open receptive mode to receive messages from angels. Again that is not a tough thing to do if you are willing to change your mindset from being skeptical and egoistic to be one that of acceptance, self-effacing and unpresuming. Once you are in that mind state: meditation for few minutes, listening to your favourite music, gazing at the beauty of nature or even sitting still for some time can take you in that energy /vibrational state. Sometimes burning sage, scented candles, presence of crystals or geometric figures may help initiate the process.  

 Using runes and pendulums are the oldest method of communicating with angles. The most common tool used now is oracle card or angel card decks. There are also crystal gazing and angel boards available. Runes may be a bit tough to decipher initially and pendulums mostly offer Yes-No answers only. That is how oracle cards and angel cards have got so popular. Depending on the deck, the number of cards may vary. Once you have initiated the process, you can ask questions and start receiving messages through the cards you select. The biggest challenge initially will be the fight which happens between your intuitive ability and logical mind. If the logical mind overpowers the intuitive message, then the messages you receive may not be the ones from angles. This ability needs practice and a strong belief to master it. Also, the most important thing to note is that angels will never force us to do something. They will just give us suggestions about situations and shows us paths leading to our life purposes, everything leading to the higher good. It is left to us to use our free will and decide what is to be done about the angelic messages.

You may not even need any of these tools. Angels may directly communicate to you through signs you see and through your intuition.

Angel boards are different from Ouija boards but got a similar working process. They can be very blessed as well as a dangerous tool, depending on how you are using it. Treading to unknown always need that blind belief of trust in angelic protection and a very open mind state 😊  

From childhood, Sourav was gifted with strong intuitive abilities. He thought it was normal, but growing up realized that not everyone had that ability. He feared that he will be called a weirdo by his friends and instead of cherishing his gifts and using it, he started ignoring it and slowly even forgot that he had such a gift.

Moving ahead in his life, he made a lot of mistakes in college life, his career and in his financial choices and when he was in his late 30s, he was almost in a depressed state of mind. He felt all the time like a big loser standing in front of a long dark tunnel with no lights ahead. He turned into alcohol and was slowly moving towards a strong suicidal tendency. He was messing his life more and more each day. One rainy evening when he was sitting in the bar and drinking, a middle-aged man came and sat in the chair opposite to him. Being an introvert, Sourav always stayed away from interacting with strangers. So, when the man greeted him, he was reluctant to talk initially, but for some reason started talking with him.

Sourav learned that his name was Arjav and he was running an NGO taking care of stray and injured animals. They talked continuously for the next 2 hours about themselves. Sourav was feeling very confident and light. He felt thankful to Arjav and that is why he was very surprised when he heard what Arjav said next. Arjav said “Sourav…I have not met anyone like you till now. You have such a gift and have cleared a lot of my confusions. You have given me so many directions to choose from and how did you so easily guess things from my past…Thanks a lot “. Sourav was still confused even after Arjav hugged him and left.

Sourav slept with a confused mind. He asked himself many times” how I wish I could understand how I helped Arjav, when I have messed even my own life”. The morning when he got up, he saw a discussion going on his college WhatsApp group regarding an angel card reader. During day time, out of a sudden thought, Sourav called the angel card reader and booked an appointment for the evening.

  When he was waiting to meet the reader, Sourav was surprised to see the photograph of Arjav outside the room. He went inside and met the reader, whose name was Samyuktha. Sourav asked questions after questions and Samyuktha answered patiently. She told her how much angels were still trying to guide him, whenever he did mistakes in life and whenever he was drifting away from his life purpose. Sourav realized how much he has drifted away from his life purpose path and how much he has ignored the gifts. He felt really happy and light. He saw light inside the tunnel. He thanked her and while moving out asked” how do you know Arjav “  

She replied: Arjav was my elder brother. We lost him to an accident 5 years ago. How do you know him?

Sourav was shivering while walking out. He was scared first and then his mind settled. There was only gratitude left in his mind for Arjav. Sourav realized the message shown by Arjav and he was determined to do that.

8 years after that experience, today Sourav runs an NGO at 6 locations, which take cares of stray and injured animals 😊    

Few questions to think about:

Why did Sourav felt the gift as a curse initially?

Why is there a need for free will? Why can’t the angels force us to do only things best for us?

Is Arjav an angel now?

Whom do you feel directed Sourav towards his life purpose…Sourav himself, Arjav, Samyuktha or someone else?

Human Talk #3: How can we all evolve in a much faster pace -Intelligence vs Trust

As an evolved person, you will consider yourself unique and special, the same as everyone around you. You have definite purposes in life and you don’t feel the need to compare yourself with others. You will never do any nasty things and disguise it as “ego”. You won’t compete with anyone, as you are aware that only you can do the things intended for you.  

If you want to evolve yourself without much struggle, there are only two ways, as shared by many spiritually enlightened gurus: either you have enormous intelligence or you have enormous trust. What may be the easiest way? what may be hindering us from having enormous trust or enormous intelligence.

To evolve with enormous intelligence, we should be open and willing to learn and unlearn continuously from all the experiences and situations, the universe will be putting us into, in order to facilitate the process. To evolve with enormous trust, we should be able to keep aside skeptical mind and start blindly trusting the universe-the messages, the presence and even the blessings and keep on doing things as per our intuition. Though it seems easy to do, both options are challenging to follow initially. But once you learn to do it, both the options become very easy too.

There are many around us who are spiritually talented and evolved to a higher extend from many lives of learning, but unaware of it during their current life. Every learning they have is stuck inside them because for some reason they remain too skeptical in this life to realize their gifts. They just need to take that one step of blind trust and magic will happen 😊 .

So don’t bother whether you are evolving with intelligence or trust. As long as you are evolving nothing else matters and strive only for that 😊

Let me continue with the story of Samantha. Read Human Talk #2 for continuity

As you all may remember, Samantha & I had a very special relation. After reading the first part, many had asked me why did I leave her and moved away to another city, if she was so special. Actually, I don’t have an exact answer to it. I was still hung in a relation from 3 years ago, not willing to let it go. For me, Samantha was the person who was keeping me sane and alive during that phase and as per her, I was the same for her. But I believe either I took her for granted or never realized her value then. I was very excited when I received a good job offer from another city, where my ex-lover was also settled. I was still under the blind idiotic belief of revamping that relation even after no contact with her for the last three years. when i told Samantha about the offer, she immediately told me that I should go, since she knew how much I wanted to go and meet my ex. And that is how I shifted.  

She used to travel to my city in between for her official works and we used to have good times as earlier. Meanwhile, incidents happened in my life which busted the bubbles of blind love inside my mind and brought me into reality. Similar to the pattern followed by majority love failure guys, I was living with a pseudo hatred for all women and strong disbelief towards the system called marriage😊 . Then our final meeting happened.

I was fed up with my life in the city and was planning to return to my native place. Informed Samantha about it and she told that she wanted to meet me before I shifted and the next day itself she flew in. Next two days we really had a blast: got drunk, danced around and laughed our hearts out. She had her return flight the next morning and the final night, she was drunk than normal. She was lying down in my lap and was still cracking jokes over some old stories. During the hysterical laughs, she asked very casually “ Hey, Idiot…I am just too bored with this lonely life. It is too depressing. I want to make you depressed too. So let’s get married “.She was still laughing after saying this, but I was taken aback and got very confused. Seeing me shocked she asked again laughing “ Why man, you won’t marry me then “.I got very serious all of a sudden and made big statements like “ I don’t trust women any more. You are the only woman I like now, coz I don’t think about your gender when we are together. I will never get  married …”.She suddenly got up, hugged me and told me “ Hey, stupid..don’t you know me? I was just pulling your leg. Relax !! “. To be frank, I was so relieved then. We kissed, hugged and slept as we always used to do.  

Morning even though I wanted to drop her, she insisted on taking a cab. Before she started, she hugged me and told” You know, you are a very special person. You will realise your value and start treating yourself properly one day “.She gave me a tight hug, kissed me on my cheeks and forehead and left. I had a very heavy heart after she left, but was very relaxed after I received her normal jovial funny audio message saying that she has boarded the flight. And that was the last time I met her and heard her voice.

There was no message from her for the next few days and I couldn’t get her on calls, but then it was normal for her. She used to call or message out of the blue since her work involved a lot of travel to remote locations with restricted network access. After a month I got a call which sent shivers down my spine even now after 12 years with its mere thoughts. It was a common friend asking me whether I was aware that Samantha had committed suicide 3 weeks ago, almost a week after we last met !! 

I was shocked, devasted and grief-struck. I called many of our common contacts. Nobody was aware of what had happened. I travelled to Punjab with an address which she had once shared. She was not interested in discussing anything about her family, so I didn’t know anything about them. Somehow I traced her family, met her relatives and learned the shocking fact that she had acute depression since childhood due to losing both her parents in an accident. She grew up under the effect of a lot of psychotic drugs and had trust issues and never was close to anyone. I realized painfully that I was the only one she trusted ☹ and maybe she wanted to try leading a normal life with me. But unfortunately, she masked all those perfectly away from me and never showed any signs of it. I still consider it as my biggest failure and pain in my life till now, that maybe I was responsible to let her die !!

A lot of questions about her disturbed me since then for a long time. Some of them are still left unanswered. Leaving a few questions for everyone to ponder:

How could someone after being so close, mask their worst and painful emotions?

Why somebody has to suffer until their death, even when they are immensely talented compared to the majority around them?

Since this experience prompted me to go into a process of self-awareness, was Samantha meant to be in my life to trigger my evolution?

What may have hindered Samantha from evolving?


Demon Talk # 3 Seeing or experiencing demons: Is it a curse carried from a past life or it just happens??

The concept that we have a Soul, Mind and Body and the same soul travels through various lives carrying the lessons and memories carried from each life has been disputed for a long time. One of the oldest religions in the world Hinduism supports this and even the research work of Dr Brian Weiss as shared in many of his books gives evidence for it.  These memories will include things/situations which were already experienced and things/situations which were desired. ‘Karma “is actually the memories of the ones that you experienced in real and others are just desires. So, will your Karma make you experience demons and does these desires have any role??  

Psychologists will give us a huge number of reasons which includes sleep paralysis, extreme depression & loneliness and try to establish their theory that demons or ghost experiences are just the play of mind. But there are many documented cases which contradicts it. I am not here to argue or establish any beliefs. I believe in experiences & what intuitions tell me and I strongly urge everybody to do the same 😊

There are a lot of entities around us which are in the form of energies. These energies can take any form. They are there from the beginning and they will be there till the end. We may or may not get the chance to experience them. These energies may be Higher/Lower, Positive/Negative, Strong/weak, Divine/Demonic…. the list continues. There is energy inside us too. Lower energy tends to attract lower energy.  When we are in high energy, we tend to attract high energy. So let us see now why some of us may experience a lower/negative/demonic energy.

It can be due to one of the reasons below or a mix of it:

  • You are in a lower energy and in a vulnerable state to attract lower energy and a lower energy finds you as a suitable vessel to interact
  • You have desires from your past life to interact with demons
  • You have karmas as a result of which you are bound to interact with negative energy
  • You do rituals to initiate such interactions
  • For reasons unknown

Except for reasons unknown, there are steps which can be done to lessen the effects/changes or remove it completely which has to be done with total belief 😊  

Let us know return to Lily. Read Demon Talk #1 and Demon Talk # 2 for continuity.  

Even though I was curious to know about the change of face, I was equally scared to meet her. But we met again in a few days when she called and came to my apartment the next weekend. She looked beautiful as usual and was in a very happy mood, cracking jokes and dancing around. She wanted to cook the dinner and once it was done, we sat down for dinner. We had casual conversations and then she suddenly became silent. After a few moments she started the talk for which I was waiting & about which I was very scared too.  

Lily: You are a good person with a good soul. I wish there was a person like you around me when I had to end my life.  

Me (shivering): Who are you?  

Lily: My name is Hiksha.I was a medical student and a very studious one. I was so engaged in my studies that I forgot everything else. Only leisure I used to take was the evening stroll I used to have during Saturday evenings in the nearby public park.  

(Her face was changed now. I realized I was talking to Hiksha and not Lily)

Hiksha: That Saturday evening also I went for my walk with nature. I had just finished my exams brilliantly just the previous day. So, I was very happy and had headphones plugged in with my favourite music. Time passed fast and suddenly it started raining heavily with thunders and lightning. I was not carrying an umbrella, so I ran and took shelter in the stand-alone resting place. There were few people along with me. The rain was getting stronger and stronger. One by one, people left when they had a chance and I was left alone. The area was almost deserted and it was time for my hostel to close. So I decided to walk in the rain. It was heavy rain and I was fully wet and almost blind with the heavy droplets. Suddenly I felt hands over my mouth and my body. Somebody was trying to hold me tight and drag me towards the tree. I struggled and vaguely saw there was more than one person. I tried to scream, but couldn’t. Somehow, I kicked in the groins of the one holding me and started running frantically. I didn’t know where I was running, I just knew they were behind me. I kept on running and climbing. Then there was nowhere to go. I was at the top of the artificial cliff and saw four guys closing in on me. Without thinking anything, I jumped off the cliff and hit the ground hard.

(She was uncontrollably sobbing now)

Hiksha: I was lying on the ground covered in blood the whole night. Only by morning, the sweepers found me and then informed the hospital and police. I was declared brain dead at the hospital and saw my parents crying. I was the only child!! I just felt cold and then I officially died after two weeks.

(Hiksha was silent for some time after that)

All of a sudden, her face changed and it was as seen once: flesh dripping with blood and she was screaming “What did I do to anyone to experience this. I never enjoyed anything in life and I am not going to leave like this. I want to love and I want to be loved “

I was frozen with fear and then she relaxed. It was Hiksha’s face again. She told me how she saw Lily once and how her energy attracted her and she easily entered. Hiksha was enjoying things which she hadn’t experienced when we lived. She saw me and then by some karma connection got connected and here she is looking forward to love me and be loved by me ☹

And then it was Lily again, cuddling me and she just slept like that. I was scared first, then confused and then relaxed. Somehow, I felt only empathy for Hiksha. Maybe my empathetic energies attracted the energy of Hiksha’s soul.  

Hiksha’s energy interacted with me for a few years and then it faded off. Details of how it happened is too personal to be shared.

I will be sharing the experiences of many others in the coming blogs.

Till then:

Did my empathetic energy invite Hiksha’s energy or in other words am I responsible for the experience I had??  

How did Lily become a vessel easily for Hiksha’s energy to enter??  

Is Hiksha’s energy a lower one or higher one??  

Was it easy for Lily to handle 2 energies inside her: one of hers and the other of Hishka inside her ??

Angel Talk #2 Whom can you easily relate as an angel: The beautiful face or the scarred ugly one??

Angels, as we know, are there to guide, support and protect us. When a person helps another one in their distress, you feel good about that person and may also feel it is the angel inside them who is doing it. We will create an angelic impression about that person in our mind and that will normally be a very beautiful picture.

Most of the artists who have created images of angels have portrayed angels to be the beautiful ones -mostly female gender, with or without wings and who is dressed in either white long dress or very attractive colourful ones. But angels are not made of matter. They contain the space they operate and travel from A-Z without going through B-C-D and … 😊. So, all the beautiful/handsome persons around us need not have angels inside them nor will the angels be always beautiful.

It will be beneficial to know now, how you can identify when there is an angelic presence. All of us have sensory feelings, but how well you can use a particular sense is unique. Clair is the term which uses to describe the various physical and intuitive senses. Whichever is your stronger one, will help you feel the angles 😊

Clairvoyance: You will be able to visualize and see things from the past and present very easily. When it’s the strongest you will start seeing your future as glimpses and even see angels (in whichever form they chose to come in front of you)

Clairaudience: You can clearly hear sound, words or music inside your mind. When this Clair is the strongest you may hear whispers from your angels and even hear flapping indicating their presence.

Clairsentience: You will easily understand and feel the emotions or even physical pain of others. If the strongest, this will make you become natural healers and give the ability to feel the physical presence of angels in the form of temperature difference or even pressure on the body.

Clairalience: This Clair will give you the ability to smell odours that may not even have a physical source. You may even be able to smell things from your past. Angelic presence will be also felt by means of odour.

Clairgustance: When you have the ability to taste things, which may not be physically there. Presence will be also felt in the form of a taste.

There are other type of Clairs too. Irrespective of which Clair is the strongest, it will help you to be aware of the presence of angels around you. Now close your eyes and try to find out, which is your strongest Clair. I am sure your guardian angels will help to find it out 😊

Let me tell the experience of Mathew and his friends. When this experience happened, Mathew was in his mid-20s and working with an educational institute in a hill a station in Kerala. The campus was very beautiful and spread over more than 25 acres of land. The staff were provided accommodation inside the campus and it was located almost at the end of the property and was far away from all other buildings.

During weekends the majority of the staffs used to go to their homes and it was then Mathew and few of the remaining colleagues used to have their fun time. There will be booze, cooking, dance and playing cards throughout night. It was a night, all of them used to look forward.

Mathew was always intrigued with occultism and had read a lot about it out of curiosity. So, this was always a topic of discussion during the booze time. One such night, one of his colleagues started talking about the Ouija board and everybody got very interested. With each drink, the discussions got more intense and curiosity aroused and all of a sudden everybody wanted to try and experience it. As Mathew was the one who had read most about it, everybody asked Mathew about it and Mathew said “Why not ..Let us make one and use it now itself “

Mathew had never used an Ouija board in reality before that. But his ego didn’t allow him to say that then. After referring images from google, they made an Ouija board out of chart paper. Coin to be used was ready and they were all set to go.

They were eight in total including Mathew. Time was past midnight then and heavy wind was blowing outside. So they closed all the windows and circled around the Ouija board kept on the table. A candle was also lit and the coin kept over the board. Mathew tried to remember everything he had read about using the board. He could feel the wind blowing into his ear, but couldn’t find from where the wind was entering the room since all the windows were already closed.

Lights were switched off then, so it was just 8 of them circled around the board with the candle lit in the middle. It was total silence for the next few minutes. Mathew was feeling uncomfortable in both his ears. It was like something was flapping near his ears. Mathew somehow told then “Let us all hold our hands and close our eyes for a minute before we start calling the spirits”. The moment Mathew closed his eyes, the sound near his ears become more and more soft, but clear. It was like somebody was whispering to him. He tried to listen to it carefully and then he heard clearly “Draw a circle of protection using salt and sit only inside that “.

Mathew did not want to tell anyone about this since he felt everyone will make fun of him saying that he is scared. All hands held together, Mathew started saying “Oh Good Spirit, we call upon you and invite you to come and communicate with us “and his colleagues repeated after him. They repeated it a few times and then all of a sudden, the candle was blown off. Everybody got really scared and started screaming. There was a heavy wind blowing into the room which carried a very foul smell, like that of rotten flesh. Nobody had any idea what was happening, there was only screams and somehow Mathew managed to reach to switch on the lights. What he saw inside the room then made him froze with fear for the next few minutes.

There were marks made all over the room, some of them in black dirt colour and some of them in blood red. There were marks even in the roof. Few of his colleagues had their shirts torn off and few of them had blood dripping from the scratches and wounds over their bodies. All of them were clueless and shivering with fear. The foul stench intensity had reduced, but it was still there. What happened inside the darkroom, how all those marks came, how the wounds: no one had any answers to these questions. And the most important question which was left unanswered was: what was that foul smell and how did it go away?  

More intense experiences with Ouija board to follow 😊 . But till then think about the following:

 Why was Mathew hearing a flapping sound? Is it due to an angelic presence??  

Message which Mathew heard, was it from his angels or his subconscious mind giving a message from all the things he had read about Ouija board earlier??  

What made those marks. Is it made by the persons inside the room itself in the confusion or something else??

How did this end like this??

Human Talk # 2 Who is the strongest: The ones who express all their feelings openly or the ones who always smiles even amidst being depressed themselves?

We as humans always like those who treat us well. Especially the ones who make us feel special & valued and the ones who always smiles at us and show kindness. But have you ever thought, what may be going inside that person: How did he/she learn to be so kind and how can they smile always? Did they have that trait right from birth or they have acquired it seeing others doing it or are they doing it because they know the value of kindness and love!!

They might have been in situations where they desperately wished for a lovely gesture or a kind listener, which they never got then. They might be still carrying the pain of those experiences, still depressed over it. But since they know the value of Kindness & love, they may try their best to give it to others. At what expense they might be doing that is the most concerning question.

Doesn’t mean that everybody is like this. There will be many who are genuinely so happy and who loves to spread happiness and kindness. We are talking about the group, who are suffering from inside, but won’t show it outside and meanwhile even try to make others happy.

So, who is the strongest: The ones who are happy inside & spreading happiness or the ones who are suffering inside and still trying to spread happiness & kindness??  

Let me tell you the story of Samantha, someone whose memories still hurts whenever I think about her. I met Samantha when I was working in a metro city in India. A typical Punjabi girl with almost 6 ft height and the built of a man. Yet she was feminity at its best. She was almost my age and pursuing her third Post graduate program when I met her. She already had LLB, BBA, MBA and MSc under her belt and was currently pursuing her MSW. And we met for the first time, while she was trying to be a part of the social service (CSR) initiative of my company since it was needed for her project work.

I was handling those projects, so she was sent to me with her presentation and for the next one hour, she talked nonstop about her ambitions about the project and how she can help us in that. I actually wondered how can somebody remain so active with the same energy level for so long. I was very curious to know more about her. But I was running late for a meeting, so gave my contact details and told her that she will be informed about the selection in a week. Then I got busy with other meetings and by evening when I checked my mobile, there was a message from Samantha asking whether it was possible to have dinner together. Normally I avoid such situations because I always prefer to play safe and avoid situations which may land me in trouble. But for some reason, I couldn’t say No or avoid the message. I messaged YES and the next second she called me and fixed the location and timing. I was very curious and excited at the same time to meet her.

We met at the location as fixed by her, which was one of the famous poolside resto. We got seated comfortably. She was wearing a yellow floral single piece long skirt and I could see everybody’s eyes on her when we were walking. But she was not bothered. After initial chit chats, I asked her “ Why so may qualifications “.She laughed and said, the moment I stop studying, my family will get me married. She told that hers is a big business family in Punjab with many industries and business under their belt. She was the only kid and ultimately the only heir to all these. So they were looking forward to get her married and give the business to both of them. She didn’t want to get married and reached a final agreement with family like “ Till you want to study you study. Once you are done with studies, then marriage “ and hence she was choosing one course after the other.

We had a very good time together and many more like that and within the next few months, due to some circumstances, she moved into my apartment. I was a bachelor and had a single bedroom flat then, So we used to share the same bed. My friends used to pull my legs, most of the time out of jealousy. All they could see and say was how gorgeous she was and what all we might be doing in bed 😊

But the fact was we had a special relation, something which was tough to understand for an outsider. We used to kiss each other, but that was the kiss of a friend. We used to hug each other and sleep, without the slightest sexual feeling. I still remember coming fully drenched in rain one night, and getting drunk, and hugging & sleeping and realizing in the morning that we are naked.  She used to tell me all kind of sexual tips. I used to do everything for her, including the most private of the things. We were like the best soul partners, one soul and one body.

She had a lot of very short relations in between and I was still playing the role of a broken heart Romeo, over a love failure I had three years ago. And then I had to move to another city. I left the apartment to her and moved out. She visited me a few times after that, we had a blast whenever she came except the last time I met her. She asked me a few questions casually then, to which I replied and then she left.

We never met after that. All the questions she asked me when we met last time, and the reason why we haven’t met after that, still rings in my ear and hurts me a lot. But let me share that in the next part…  

Till then questions to think over :  

Is there any chance that Samantha was hiding her emotions?  

What may be the reason why we never met after her last visit, which happened almost 12 years ago??  

Is it possible to have a healthy relationship like this between a man & a lady ??